Industrial Refrigerant Overview
Ammonia has been in continuous use as an industrial refrigerant longer than any other. It is, in fact, among the first refrigerants to be commonly used in industrial applications and remains one of the most widely used today. Ammonia has its drawbacks though, the largest being its high toxicity. CO2 as an industrial refrigerant, on the other hand, is a viable alternative to ammonia. It requires minimal safety regulations compared to other A2L, B2L toxic or A3 flammable rated refrigerants, and it reduces or eliminates hazardous materials requirements and liability costs.
CO2 (R-744) Refrigerant
With more than 12,000 systems installed worldwide as of 2022, CO2 is now considered mainstream as an industrial refrigerant.
Ammonia (R-717) Refrigerant
Ammonia is one of the most efficient alternative industrial refrigerants in use. However, ammonia has its drawbacks.